Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Public Transportation

I'm writing this post from the #144 CTA bus. Naturally, the #148 bus - the one I should be taking - is directly behind this bus. After a 20 minute wait I was happy to take either bus so I happily boarded this one before I realized the numbers of all 5 buses in line behind this one. It's funny how CTA buses come in bunches of 4 or 5 and then none to be found for the next 10 minutes.

Alas, that's not the point of my post. Instead, I want to discuss how the CTA manages to find the worst in everyone. Why is it, for example, a line can exist for 2 hour long disney rides and in supermarkets but not for public transportation? I was, by far, the one wating the longest for this bus, yet was the last one to board. In fact, I had one girl cut me off in the bee line for the bus that, yes, managed to open his doors 1/2 block before the bus stop. The fastest feet win when it comes to getting a seat.

And chivalry!! Oh my, when it comes to public tranportation it certainly IS dead. After a commute I begin to wonder if my husband really is the last chivilrous man alive. No man will give up his seat for a woman, and they will plow the ladies over in order to get the covetted seat. What's worse is NO ONE gives up their seat for pregnant women. The few times I've seen it done it's always done by a woman that is already a mother. I guess it's because they understand. If these rider's mothers only knew that's how their children behave!

I've had a woman's foot resting on top of mine for the last 2 minutes. She has no plans to move it. I look down at my foot in surprise to see another person's foot - at that point she moves it and apologizes!

It's everyone for themselves on the CTA. Some days I tell myself to be extra cheerful and helpful for that specific commute, but by the time the bus finally arrives my feet are already sore from the 20 minute standing wait. Then, I grab a seat only be be squished in by a 400 lb. woman. Bless her heart, she needs a place to sit, too. I just wish the CTA would accomodate for these things!!

Yes, public commuting in a major city certainly is enough to anger you. Perhaps this is why everyone in Hawaii is so happy, no public transit system. At least I have everyone on the bus staring at me with envy as I tap away on my baby laptop!

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