Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dealing with Bosses

The man. No one enjoys working for the man. I have a theory that those who work for themselves successfully are the happiest people in America. I don't think it's the "have your own hours" bonus that really makes it. When you own your own business you're working the hours of your clients. The rewards for all of your efforts are nice, and certainly sweeter when you know it's all your own doing, but I don't see that as the biggest benefit. No, you can be a high school teacher and get great rewards from your own efforts. The biggest benefit to owning your own company/working for yourself is the lack of the asshole boss.

I'm sure it's difficult being a boss and avoiding the "asshole" stigma. There's always going to be situations where the boss wants something done one way and the employee doesn't agree. The employee can't always get everything his/her way; and that's okay. One can't be upset because his boss doesn't do things his way 100% of the time. At the same time, a boss can't have things her way 100% of the time either. If a boss is to assume that she is always correct and she doesn't need to bend to the viewpoint of others, how can she be successful?

But, this isn't entirely an asshole boss' problem either. No, his problem is the way he rolls his eyes. The stance he takes and the snobby voice he uses as he speaks to his employees. A completely different demeanor than what he uses with his co-workers or clients. When one speaks to his employees as if they are lesser humans - that is what makes an asshole boss.

Most employees can handle not always getting a thank you for a job well done. After all, they are expected to do our jobs well. They can accept that they're not going to get their way 100% of the time, 50% of the time, hell even 25% of the time. They're not the decision makers, and it's not up to them to decide how things are handled. They can even bend to picky things like getting their boss the window seats on the 3 seat side in the exit row of the plain if that's what he wants. He works hard and worked hard to get to where he is, why shouldn't he have these things? It's when they are treated as lesser beings that they start to not give their best to their bosses.

This is my plea to bosses. When you got into your position of "power," did you start it by saying "I want to be an asshole!'" Probably not. I know you have stress that comes with your position, but happy employees will only help you out rather than hinder. And, there's NOTHING that makes you me important in life than your employees. Nothing. Degrees, money, title. . . none of them make one being more important than others.

That the president of the United States has a body guard who is to sacrifice his life in place of the president disgusts me. Do you think the bodyguard's children, wife, or mother wants to trade in the life of their loved one instead of the president? No. Do you think the president's mother loves the president more than the bodyguard's mother loves the bodyguard, based on money, title, power? No. If you believe in God, do you think he will pass more favorable judgment on the president because of his title or "power"? No. These two men are of equal importance in the eyes of those that love them. If the president were to roll his eyes while he talked down to his bodyguard it would be the most ungrateful thing in the world. But, that's what asshole bosses do to their employees on a day to day basis. They rely on the hard work and toil of their employees to successfully live out their career, but then shit on their employees in return. Asshole bosses make everyone in the work place miserable.

But, as always in the world, the employee must change to compensate the boss' attitude because the boss will not change. Asshole.

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